3-Day Tour (Catholics)

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3-Day Tour (Catholics)

per person

Day 1

Mount of Olives

Church of All Nations or Gethsemane

Western Wall (the Kottel)

Via Dolorosa (Way of the Cross)

Church of the Holy Sepulcher.

Jewish Quarter & the Cardo

King David’s tomb

Last Suppe


We begin our tour in Jerusalem with panoramic view of Jerusalem from top of “Mount of Olives. We’ll walk down the mount to the Church of All Nations or Gethsemane.

After a visit we’ll drive across the Kidron Valley to the Old City, and walk towards the Wailing Wall. At the Western Wall (the Kottel), time for some personal reflections then we’ll Proceed walking through the Arab Bazar to the Via Dolorosa (Way of the Cross) we’ll go up through the station’s of the way of the cross. Visit the Church of the Holy Sepulcher.

We’ll stop for lunch and contiue to the Jewish Quarter & the Cardo – a restored Roman road,we’ll pass through the Armenian quarter ,and continue to “Mount of Zion where we’ll visit “King David’s tomb and the room of the “Last Supper”.

Day 2

old city of Jaffa 

Church of St. Peter 

Simon the Tanner

Port -the oldest port in the world 

national park of Cesarrea

Rosh Hanikra

We ll start our day with a drive to the old city of Jaffa, one of the oldest cities in Israel that has been inhabited for at least 4,000 years where we’ll visit the Church of St. Peter and the House of Simon the Tanner,we’ll walk through the narrow picturesque streets of the old town ,we’ ll step down to the 4,000 years old Port -the oldest port in the world.

In ancient times King Solomon imported cedars from Lebanon through Jaffa to build the Temple. In modern times Jaffa was the entrance point for Jewish immigrants coming to build their nation.

From Jaffa we’ll Drive north along the coastal plain to the national park of Cesarrea (ACTS 9;30 10;24-30), the capital of Judea under Herod the great and the the Romans. and flourished during the Byzantine period.

We’ll Visit the excavations of this ancient city, the Roman theatre and aqueduct,the . Roman theatre, the Hippodrome horse racing arena.

then stop for a lunch and drive to Rosh Hanikra which,formed over a thousands of years from waves hitting the soft chalk rock on Israel’s coast, we’ll ride down via cable car to this stunning site.the beautiful grottoes and caves offer stunning views of waves crashing against the rocks and spraying the air.

Day 3

the Church of Annunciation

Kana of Galilee


Tabgha,and the church of multiplication

Mount of Beatitudes

Yardenit- the baptismal site

Well start our day driving to Nazareth in the Lower Galilee and visit, the Church of Annunciation,and saint Joseph church (joseph’s carpentry),we’ll Drive, via Kana of Galilee, to Capernaum located on the shores of the Sea of Galilee.

Capernaum –referred in the Bible as Jesus “own town” where Jesus once lived, and the center and birth place of his ministry, here we can stand right in the synagogue in which Jesus must have ministered, and where he preformed many miracles, and it’s in Capernaum where Peter’s mother-in-law lived and was cured.

We’ll Proceed to Tabgha,and the church of multiplication, the site of the miracle of Feeding the 5000

The Church of Multiplication is unique, with its 4th century byzantine mosaic floor.

From Tabgha we’ll Continue to the Mount of Beatitudes, where Jesus delivered the Sermon on the Mount.

We’ll stop for a lunch in one of the many traditional fish restaurants.

Our last destination is a visit to Yardenit- the baptismal site on the Jordan River.

Driving back to hotel.