Michael Skir

Day Tours in Israel

1. Jerusalém Day tour

  • Jaffa gate
  • Way of the cross
  • Church of Holy Sepulchre
  • Temple Mount – Dome of the rock
  • Mount of Zion (room of the last *supper king David tumb)
  • Western Wall
  • Arab market
  • Roman Cardo, (Jewish Quarter)
  • Christian Quarter

We’ll get to know the different cultures and faiths,in the old city.  The histories,ideologies and narratives of these faiths have so much in common and are hugely interrelated. On the tour we’ll explore these overlaps and interconnections with the help of our Guided tour Israel – day tours.

Our full day Jerusalem start at Jaffa gate, heading through to the holly sepulchre church. The church which  Jesus’ crucified, death, and buried, and resurrected. Beside its holy parts, the church’s architecture and ornamentation is a fascinating reflection of the site’s turbulent history.From the christian quarter we’ll walk to the MOUNT OF ZION ,to learn more about Christianity and jewish heritage. We’ll visit  the temple mount ,and the way of the cross. At midday we’ll stop for a relaxation and lunch on Guided Tours Israel Day Tours.

At the Jewish Quarter we’ll walk along the re-exposed Roman-era main boulevard (the ‘Cardo‘), towards Zion gate ,the last supper room,and the thumb of King David. Our next stop is the wailing wall.or the western wall ,the Kotel the holliest and the most sacred site for Jews and pilgrim from throughout the world. A must-see for anyone visiting Jerusalem!

2. Jerusalém day tour (option 2)

  • Jerusalém Museum
  • Bet Lehem church of Nativity Shepherd fields
  • Mahne Yehuda market

We’ll start our day at the  MUSEUM OF ISRAEL to see the Shrine of the Book and the Dead Sea Scrolls as well as a scale model of Jerusalem at the time of Christ. Proceed to Bethlehem and see Shepherd’s Field, where the angels announced the birth of Jesus. Next, visit the CHURCH OF THE NATIVITY, which stands on the stable where Jesus was born.

Our next visit is Mahne Yehuda market. An amazing colorful market, full of flavors and great atmosphere.


Drive through the Judean wilderness to the Dead Sea, the lowest point on the surface of the Earth. Enjoy the scenery as you follow the road between the salty water and majestic desert mountains during Day trip in Israel . Catch glimpses of the caves of Qumran, where the precious Dead Sea Scrolls were found. Ascend by cable car to the spectacular cliff-top FORTRESS of Masada.

This palatial complex was built by king Herods and has been remarkably preserved. Amazing story of 960 Jewish rebels made their last stand against Roman forces, in the first century. Visiting the rebels’ synagogue is an especially moving experience. It was possibly here that they voted to choose death over Roman slavery!!!

The rich archaeological finds and,  majestic views of the desert from this elevated plateau are simply breathtaking. Around lunchtime, reach one of the comfortable Dead Sea resorts for free time to experience the incredible buoyancy in the heavy saltwater and receive a SALT SCRUB GIFT. Then, back to Jerusalem.

4. The ministry of Jesuss in the Galilee

Our lord spent most of his life in the lawer and higher Galilee,the Galilee is full of  beautiful green landscapes.

Heading towards the Sea of Galilee, visit the MOUNT OF BEATITUDES, where Jesus delivered his Sermon on the Mount. On to CAPERNAUM, where Jesus recruited his first followers among the fishermen,About 2,000 years ago, Jesus settled in this small fishing village and laid the foundation of the Christian faith.


The site of the Miraculous multiplication of loaves and fish we’ll visit the Church of Multiplication with its 4th century byzantine mosaic floor. And for last we’ll arrive at the Jordan River and visit a BAPTISMAL SITE Yardenit on Israel Day Tours.

5. Cesárea -Cana -Nazaret -Haifa

(Church of annunciation)

Start your tour of the Holy Land with Caesarea, the perfect place to learn about the Roman and Crusader presence in the country. Visit the ROMAN AMPHITHEATER and the impressive CRUSADER FORTRESS, and admire Herod’s stadium and harbor.

From Cesárea We’ll continue to,Cana is recorded in the New Testament as the place where Jesus performed his first miracle of turning water into wine during a wedding (John 2). Visiting the Catholic “Wedding Church” in the heart of the village.

On to Nazareth  in Galilee the place where Jesus grew up , we’ll visit the contemporary CHURCH OF THE ANNUNCIATION,the biggest church in Israel and in the whole region.

on the law level, the “room” or the Crypt, where  Angle Gabriel came to announce mother Mary.

Abrak to lunch,and a drive to Haifa .

Continue north, to Mount Carmel, considered the most holy of all mountains in ancient times. At Muhraqa, site of Elijah’s contest of faith with the priests of Baal, enjoy a sweeping panoramic view of the fertile Jezreel Valley, where Gideon led the  Israelites to victory against the Midianites.