Michael Skir

Covid-19 all information for coming tourists

Foreign tourists entering Israel

information for all coming tourists to Israel


2.9.2021 in honor of Member of the Bureau
Re: Update regarding the renewal of the pilot for bringing inbound tourism to Israel
Dear members of the Chamber,

Below is an update we received on the matter in question.
The entry of organized tourist groups in the pilot outline will be allowed from September 19.
2. Entering the competition from trading thoughts.
3. Tourists whose validity of their (last) search does not exceed six months (similar to the requirement for returning Israelis) will be allowed.
Submission of applications in the existing pilot plant of the Ministry of Tourism, which will open in the near future.
5. Tourists will be required as before for PCR tests 72 hours before the entire study in addition to rapid serological tests in the field.
6. Our request to approve the entry of tourists in any number (even less than 5) has not yet been granted. It was promised that at the end of the month the issue would be considered positively and in accordance with developments.
General: Our opinion is not comfortable with the current situation and the congenital response in Kiel can not work a serious job that there is also economic logic. So we understood our firm opinion in a letter sent today to the heads of the Knesset committee, and at the same time bought the interesting promises that incoming tourism suffers from orderly and logical rooms.
The efforts of Tourism Minister Yoel Rezbozov and the professional team led by Amir Halevi, the ministry’s director general, and Pini Shani, the ministry’s deputy director general, are commendable. Find today the Minister and the professional team were in direct contact with us and updated developments and efforts and for this they are given the foundation and the preparation machine.
We believe that the time has come to put the issue of incoming tourism on Israel on the state table for a comprehensive discussion anchored in facts and data and the main instruments for protection form an integral part of them.

Yossi FattalCEO

As of Monday, 8/16/21, in accordance with the attached regulations, the departure of Israeli citizens or permanent residents to the following countries will be prohibited:
 As of Tuesday, 31.8.21, in accordance with the attached regulations, the departure of Israeli citizens or permanent residents to the following countries will be prohibited:
 Departure from the country to one of these countries will be possible in the cases specified in the regulations and in accordance with the conditions set forth.  Leaving these countries requires the approval of an Exceptions Committee.

 Entry for holders of A1 and A5 visas is valid.
 Visa holders will be allowed in B1 and B4 as part of a cohabitation procedure.
 Entry of foreign workers who have been vaccinated in Israel and hold a valid inter-visa.
 Entry permits issued to visitors from the countries of Ukraine, Ethiopia, Brazil, South Africa, India, Mexico, Turkey, before 1.5.21 are void.
 Entry permits issued to Russia and Argentina before 1.6.21 are void.
 Entry permits issued to the countries of Belarus and Uzbekistan are valid until 11.7.21.
 Foreigners holding these entry permits are required to reapply.

Thanks tohttps://www.gov.il/he/Departments/news/entry_and_exit_from_israel_0521


Update on entry into Israel for foreigners from the United Kingdom
 As of 16.8.2021, the United Kingdom will again be in the group of orange countries (severe warning), and the returnees from them will be charged with full isolation – at any age, including vaccinated and recovering.

 Israelis are allowed to travel to the State of Israel and are required to isolate in accordance with the guidelines of the Ministry of Health as published on the Ministry of Health website.

 Foreigners from the United Kingdom (those who are not Israeli citizens) may submit entry applications in accordance with the criteria published on the Population Authority website.

Thanks to https://embassies.gov.il/london-he/Pages/Entry-policy-for-foreigners.aspx

Vaccines approved by the Israeli government (as of June 2021)

Comirnaty and Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine Spikevax (previously COVID-19 Vaccine Moderna) Vaxzevria (previously COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca)

Before air travel to Israel

Pre-departure test

If you stay out of Israel for 72 hours or longer, you must take a PCR test no more than 72 hours before the scheduled departure time to Israel

Present a negative test result in English along with the traveler’s passport number

This requirement applies to all people of all ages arriving in Israel, including vaccinated and recovered travelers

Only PCR tests are accepted, no rapid tests or any other types of tests

If you transit to Israel, and the time between the first flight and the departure to Israel is 24 hours or more, you must take a PCR test no more than 72 hours before the scheduled time of departure to Israel

Humanitarian cases or if access to testing is limited: you can petition the Exceptions Committee to be permitted to enter Israel without a PCR test

Entry statement form

You must fill out the online form no more than 24 hours before the scheduled departure to Israel

You must enter your personal information and information about the people traveling with you, check your health declaration, provide information on COVID-19 vaccines you have received, note whether you have recovered from COVID-19, and fill out the address of the isolation accommodation, if mandated

Paying for a PCR test on arrival 

On arrival in Israel, you must take a PCR test at the airport, in addition to the pre-departure test

You can prepay for the PCR test on arrival

The test costs NIS 80 if you prepay, and NIS 100 if you pay at the airport

You do not need to print and bring proof of payment. There is a separate line for people who have prepaid; your I.D. number will be used for proof of payment

Foreign nationals

Foreign nationals must have an entry permit issued by the Population and Immigration Authority

Without this permit, boarding will be denied

Departure to the Ukraine

An interim prerequisite for boarding a flight to the Ukraine effective 29.8.2021 until 6.9.2021 mandates presenting a negative test result; this also applies to those vaccinated and recovered, who are currently not required to get tested before boarding an outbound flight.

Passengers who travel to or arrive from Uman can apply for an exemption from PCR testing if the applicant has tested positive for COVID-19 in a PCR test taken within three months before the day of travel and has proof of recovery.

“Recently” recovered individual can apply for an exemption from the Exceptions Committee. A positive PCR test result and a certificate of recovery must be attached to the application form.

Note that an exemption does not mean the Ukrainian authorities will not require a negative PCR test result.

At the airport

Pre-departure PCR test

When you check-in, you must present your negative pre-departure PCR test result to airline staff

Law enforcement officers might ask you to present your negative PCR test result when you arrive in Israel

Entry clearance

When you check-in, you must present a clearance that you received after submitting the entry statement form

You can present a digital copy – a paper copy is not required

Keep this clearance for border control

You might be asked to present it to other officials when you arrive in Israel

Entry permits for foreign nationals

Foreign nationals can enter Israel only if they have a special permit from the Population and Immigration Authority

This permit should be presented to border control on arrival in Israel

Entry to terminal allowed to ticketed travelers only

People who accompany ticketed travelers or people who welcome arriving travelers are not allowed to go inside the terminal, excluding individuals accompanying minors or people with disabilities

PCR test on arrival

When you arrive in Israel, you must take a COVID-19 PCR test at your own expense. This test is in addition to the test that you must take before departing to Israel

This requirement applies to all travelers of all ages coming to Israel, including vaccinated and recovered travelers

On board the aircraft

Wear a mask

Everyone six years of age and older must wear a mask on board the aircraft. Travelers required to enter isolation on arrival must wear a mask while they are at the airport and during travel to the isolation accommodation

Social distancing

For the sake of your health, stay away from people who do not live with you

Practice hygiene

Wash your hands with sanitizers

( Entry statement)

Entry Statement

Submit the statement within 24 hours before the scheduled travel time to Israel. Without the form, you cannot board a flight or enter Israel through a land or sea border crossing

Your personal information and that of the people traveling with you

Provide information of every person who has been traveling with you to the same locations as you have within the last 14 days

Itinerary information

Details of the places that you have visited over the last 14 days

Follow-up guidance

After you submit the form, testing requirements and mandatory isolation restrictions on arrival in Israel will be displayed. Whether a traveler must enter isolation will be determined by the country they arrive from and if a traveler is fully vaccinated or recovered.

Thanks to https://corona.health.gov.il/en/flights/?utm_source=go.gov.il&utm_medium=referral

Thanks to https://corona.health.gov.il/en/directives/air-travel-covid19-green/?tab=by-air


Every Israeli over the age of 12 is required to wear a “green mark”
 As part of the green mark, vaccinated, recovering or recipients of a negative result in a corona test will be able to enter –
 Conferences and exhibitions,
 Hotels, gyms and studios, pools and country, clubs and parties, restaurants (also sitting outside), bars, cafes, institutions of higher learning, tourist attractions, museums, libraries and visiting nursing homes.
 At the entrance to nature reserves and national parks, there is no need to present a green sign, except for shows or screenings held in their area.
 Green mark regulations do not apply to infants and toddlers aged 3-0.  Children aged 3 to 12 will be able to enter these places after being tested for state-funded Corona.  In contrast, those aged 12 and over who have not been vaccinated or recovered will need to be tested privately.  Both those aged 3 and over and those aged 12 and over will be able to be tested at all the quick checkpoints approved by the Ministry of Health.
 The fight to boost the rate of vaccines is escalating: the Corona cabinet decided last week that unvaccinated people would pay for speed tests that could allow them to enter events held under the “green character” or “happy character” outline.
 Who is it for?  The rapid tests are intended for those who are required to present a “green mark” and are not among those vaccinated or recovering.
 How long from the moment of the test will there be an answer?  Between 15 and 30 minutes from the moment of sampling.
 Who pays for the test?  Prime Minister Naftali Bennett announced about two weeks ago that vaccine refusers would pay for corona tests themselves.  In accordance with the decision of the Ministry of Health, all unvaccinated subjects over the age of 12 will be charged for the rapid tests.

 What is the cost of the rapid tests?
 The cost of the tests is NIS 69, but it is expected to be cheaper for some of the entities due to the competition between them

Thanks to https://m.ynet.co.il/articles/rk221vpyy

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